Please note that these exercises are common exercises prescribed by Rehabilitation practitioners and should not be completed without advice from a trained professional.
Bosu Ball
- Purpose – Primarily used help to improve lower limb stability and balance. Can also be used for upper limb proprioception, and to strengthen the core.
- How to use – When first using the bosu ball, ensure that you hold onto a surrounding surface (e.g. a wall) for support before placing both feet onto the centre of the ball. Once comfortable and advised to do so, start increasing the difficulty of the exercise by moving to one leg or closing the eyes.
- Stage of rehab – Mid – late stage depending on the exercise.

Medicine Ball
- Purpose – the focus is on improving explosive power whilst adding a more dynamic and ‘sport-specific’ element to the rehab process, with the potential of working the whole body
- How to use – there is a wide variety of exercises that incorporate the use of medicine balls. An example would be medicine ball slams, starting overhead and throwing the ball down to the ground.
- Stage of rehab – late-stage

Step / Box
- Purpose – to improve lower limb power, as well as being a great rehab exercise for those who want to get back to running; muscles will work concentrically when jumping up onto the box and will work eccentrically when jumping off the box.
- How to use – when first using the step, start off easy by jumping up onto the box using both feet and landing on both feet. This can be progressed by increasing the height of the box, or moving to only one leg. Repeat the same stages for when jumping off the box, ensuring that you first start jumping forwards, then can progress to sideways and twisting if advised.
- Stage of rehab – mid - late-stage

Resistance Bands
- Purpose – a great piece of equipment for improving strength and resistance
- How to use – perform exercises with no movement (isometric) at the start of the rehab programme, before incorporating movement (concentric & eccentric) into exercises whilst using a tighter band as a progression.
- Stage of rehab – early – mid. These are very versatile and can be used throughout a rehab plan.
A reason why resistance bands are so great is that they are easily accessible and low cost!

Squat Rack
- Purpose – great for improving whole body strength and power using compound movements by incorporating multiple muscle groups at the same time
- How to use – a variety of movements can be performed using a squat rack, however, try to ensure that proper technique is being used throughout to avoid further injury. Seek advice from a professional before trying.
- Stage of rehab – mid-late stage